Entries by Archipelago Cruises

Unusual sightings

  Some of our more unusual recent sightings: a Tufted Puffin and an ocean sunfish (Mola mola) which we see only on rare occasions and only when water temperatures are higher than “normal”.

Leaving home…

At this time of year the Bald Eagles chicks leave the nest to take their first flight. On a recent, windy day this fledgling appeared to be having a bit of a “bad hair” day …

Seeing the odd wolf!

This year we have been lucky enough to have seen the very odd wolf. Our most memorable sighting was in early July: This wolf slowly sauntered down the beach, sat down and stared at us intently for a few moments, then got up and wandered on down the beach. Magical!

Lunch with the Birds

Recently we have been welll entertained by Rufous Hummingbirds who visit us at lunch time while we are anchored in the beautiful Broken Group Islands. Thanks to John Morris who let us share his photos.

Off to a good start!

  We have thoroughly enjoyed our first few trips of the season. We have seen Gray whales on all but one of six trips and bears three times which is encouraging for this time of year.  The whales that we have seen have been feeding, in areas that are on our regular route, which is […]