Whales Galore
Although it is late in the season, we have been seeing lots of whales on our tours in October. Once day this week we saw 14 – including this active humpback!!
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But we are proud to say that Archipelago Cruises contributed 174 entries already.
Although it is late in the season, we have been seeing lots of whales on our tours in October. Once day this week we saw 14 – including this active humpback!!
We are thrilled to have been included in Trip Advisor’s 2012 list of “10 Great Wildlife Tours” in the world. Thanks to all our guests who have written in for your kind reviews. Without your help this would not have been possible. We really appreciate it! To see the complete list, please click this link: Trp […]
Last night’s evening charter. Not only was it glorious evening for viewing the spectacular scenery in the evening light but we also saw whales, bears, sea lions, seals, eagles and various types of sea birds.
Not only did the engine room get a complete refit over the course of the last two winters but the Raincoast Maiden also has new “insides”: New carpet in the salon and cockpit, the salon furniture was reupholstered, chairs & bar stools refinished, we have a new table top, even a new fridge to keep the champagne nicely CHILLED!!
There are many benefits to having a floating office. Today, anchoredin the beautiful Broken Group Islands, this is our view!
We LOVE the new enclosure on the upper deck of the Raincoast Maiden! It is clear as glass and makes it that much easier to see the spectacular scenery and wildlife of Barkley Sound and the Broken Group Islands.
The Raincoast Maiden once again has a pretty bottom! We’ve just completed our annual haul out which entails cleaning, polishing & waxing the hull (which seems HUGE at times like this), painting below the water line, changing zincs, checking the props and shafts, Transport Canada hull inspection, and any other work below the waterline. […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! As we look back on 2011 we are certain that we are not the only ones who will not forget September 17th! While anchored for lunch in a beautiful cove in the Broken Group Islands, one of our guests dropped to his knees and proposed to his lovely girlfriend of several […]
After being torn apart and weeks of work, the starboard engine is back in one piece and looking prettier than ever with its brand new hoses and fresh coat of paint! Best of all, it started right away. It is a relief to know that Al did know what he was doing after all….
We do all we can to prevent in-season break downs. However this year`s winter project is a little more extensive than just regular preventative maintenance. Last year Al did a complete overhaul of the port side of the engine room, this year he is doing the starboard side. Let`s just hope he knows how to […]
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Email: wildlifecruises@gmail.com
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