Entries by Archipelago Cruises

Lunch Aboard the Raincoast Maiden

It’s not too late to join us for a delicious gourmet lunch (prepared by Heartwood Kitchen in Ucluelet) aboard the Raincoast Maiden while anchored in an idyllic location. We’re open until October 3rd, so join us on our Broken Group Islands Wildlife Cruise to see wildlife, spectacular scenery and enjoy a fabulous meal. It is […]

Having Lunch

Spectacular images of a humpback whale lunge feeding, taken by one of our guests, Ralph Bishop. It appears that the bird – a Common Murre – managed to scramble away in a mad panic, unharmed!  

Bear Sightings in 2022

Bear sightings have been more reliable than usual this year. So far we have been lucky enough to see bear(s) every day in July. This incredible image was taken by one of our guests, Frank Dahmen. It was his third tour with us and we take that as a compliment We hope to see you […]

Time Out!

Sometimes you just need a little time out! We’ve watched this bear do this twice now. We wanders along the shore line, searching for food. Once he sees this exact same log, he climbs aboard, flops right across it, snoozes for about 45 minutes, then gets up and continues down the shore, once again looking […]