Entries by Archipelago Cruises

Light at the End of the Tunnel

We’re jumping with excitement! Following this week’s announcement of BC’s restart plan, we will soon be able to open for the season. We look forward to welcoming guests aboard our boat for a tour unlike any other! Stay tuned as we will soon post our start up date.

Best Marine Wildlife Tour Operator in BC!

We feel both honoured and excited to have won Lux Life’s 2021 Travel & Tourism Award for “Best Marine Wildlife Tour Operator in BC”. Many thanks to the person who nominated us, as well as the team of judges. It is nice to receive some good news during these uncertain times. Let’s hope we are […]

COVID-19 Info

GOOD  NEWS!! (And yes, you did read that correctly) You will NOT be squeezed into a small, confined area with fellow passengers (who are not part of your group) for hours on end! Our boat is spacious, and we will limit the number of guests to ensure that you will feel safe and comfortable throughout […]

Looking Forward

2020 definitely turned out to be very different for all of us! We have missed cruising through the magical scenery of the Broken Group Islands each day, we have missed the daily wildlife sightings and the close interactions with people from all over the world. We look forward to running tours again, hopefully starting in […]

Mid June Update

Due to Covid-19 we are currently not running any tours. At this point we are still unsure when we will open but we will keep this page updated. In the meantime, guided by the advice from the BC health authority and WorkSafeBC, we are working on adapting our daily routines to ensure that our guests […]

Keeping in touch….

We miss being out on the water every day but look forward to taking you out on a cruise once it is safe to do so! Hopefully we will be able to welcome you soon. In meantime, please check Tourism Ucluelet’s website for travel updates: https://www.discoverucluelet.com/covid-19