Entries by Archipelago Cruises

Our Lucky Day

This week we were lucky enough to experience a great wolf sighting in the Broken Group Islands! We saw a splash, then saw a wolf swimming across a small channel & get out on the next island, shake himself, stare at us for a moment, then disappear into the bushes! Thanks to Dane McArthur for […]

The boys are leaving town

The “boys club” has thinned out considerably in recent days.  Only a few California sea lions remain as most have left the area and headed south to meet up with their ladies. Luckily they don’t stay away for long, so we eagerly await their return in late summer.

Calm despite strong winds

Luckily we were unperturbed by yesterday’s strong winds. We chose a sheltered route that kept us mostly out of the wind, found an incredibly beautiful place to anchor for lunch and had some good animal sightings along the way!