Entries by Archipelago Cruises

No Lazy Off Season For Us

So … do we get to just sit around and relax all winter long? No, not exactly. Right now the salon of the Raincoast Maiden has been transformed into a work zone as we’re oiling, wetsanding, painting, cleaning, polishing ….oh, and I see Alan is replacing a light in the hall.  It is not all […]

End of our 2017 Season

Our 2017 season is now well behind us. It is with some sadness that we left beautiful Barkley Sound about 2 weeks ago to take the Raincoast Maiden down the coast to Sidney where she is now safely tucked into a boat house. We will be working on her here, getting her ship shape for […]

Surviving a Heat Wave

Today was warm, very warm. In fact it was so warm that this Black bear decided to take a swim! He came towards us, marched right into the water, wallowed around for a bit. Then he walked out, shook himself off and carried on with his day!