Dine “With The Birds”
We love the time of year in the spring when we are visited by hummingbirds while anchored in the Broken Group Islands at lunch time. Our guests literally get to “dine with the birds”.
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But we are proud to say that Archipelago Cruises contributed 174 entries already.
We love the time of year in the spring when we are visited by hummingbirds while anchored in the Broken Group Islands at lunch time. Our guests literally get to “dine with the birds”.
We feel honoured to have won this award!
So … do we get to just sit around and relax all winter long? No, not exactly. Right now the salon of the Raincoast Maiden has been transformed into a work zone as we’re oiling, wetsanding, painting, cleaning, polishing ….oh, and I see Alan is replacing a light in the hall. It is not all […]
Our 2017 season is now well behind us. It is with some sadness that we left beautiful Barkley Sound about 2 weeks ago to take the Raincoast Maiden down the coast to Sidney where she is now safely tucked into a boat house. We will be working on her here, getting her ship shape for […]
This California Sea Lion has it made – not only did he find himself a nice bed but a comfy pillow too!
We’re still open for business and the weather forecast for the next few days looks great! A glimpse of what to expect as seen through the lens of Gerry Fairbrother who came out with us on Sept. 23rd. Thanks, Gerry, for letting me share these – it was hard to pick only a few.
The sea otters have been keeping us well entertained this year. This big fellow got himself a feast, an entire octopus!
Today was warm, very warm. In fact it was so warm that this Black bear decided to take a swim! He came towards us, marched right into the water, wallowed around for a bit. Then he walked out, shook himself off and carried on with his day!
Sometimes I feel like that too at the end of a busy day!
This year we have been seeing sea otters increasingly often, almost daily. Here is toda’s friendly sea otter!
Call: 250-726-8289
Email: wildlifecruises@gmail.com
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