Being a Sea Otter Mom Ain’t East
Being a sea otter mom isn’t easy. Mom has to feed herself and her pup, maintain their thick coats, she carries junior around on her belly and she also keeps a look out for any possible danger.
Being a sea otter mom isn’t easy. Mom has to feed herself and her pup, maintain their thick coats, she carries junior around on her belly and she also keeps a look out for any possible danger.
We are thrilled to have entered Stage 3 of BC’s Restart Plan!
While this has brought some welcome changes & loosening of restrictions, we will continue to be mindful of everyone’s safety and base our policies on the guidelines as put forward by the BC government and health authorities.
Some of the more important changes are as follows:
Cleaning and sanitising
Physical distancing/ space on the boat
Most importantly
We look forward to welcoming you aboard the “Raincoast Maiden”!
We are open at long last and glad to be back! We had our first tour today and are taking bookings for the season. This is your chance to see a variety of wildlife, take a scenic cruise through the sheltered waters of the Broken Group Islands and enjoy a delicious gourmet meal in a peaceful setting while at anchor.
We feel both honoured and excited to have won Lux Life’s 2021 Travel & Tourism Award for “Best Marine Wildlife Tour Operator in BC”. Many thanks to the person who nominated us, as well as the team of judges. It is nice to receive some good news during these uncertain times. Let’s hope we are able to put our skills to good use in 2021!
GOOD NEWS!! (And yes, you did read that correctly)
How will the tour differ from the way you have run it other years?
For our guests, hardly at all as most of the changes will be done by us:
What will we ask of you?
Will ask you:
Will you have to wear a mask?
Yes, we will ask you to wear a mask (covering both nose and mouth) but only at certain times:
We request that you bring your own mask but do have extra ones if needed. Please note that masks are mandatory in the above situations.
Health Checks
Cleaning & Sanitizing
We will add extra cleaning and sanitizing duties into daily routine, i.e., before, during and after each tour (in accordance with public health authorities and WorkSafeBC). This will include:
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to see our full safety plan or if you have any further questions or concerns.
We look forward to welcoming you aboard this season!
Alan & Toddy Landry
2020 definitely turned out to be very different for all of us! We have missed cruising through the magical scenery of the Broken Group Islands each day, we have missed the daily wildlife sightings and the close interactions with people from all over the world.
We look forward to running tours again, hopefully starting in May 2021.
Wondering where we are?
Sadly, we have had to make the difficult decision to remain closed for the rest of the 2020 season. After taking everything into careful consideration, we feel this to be the only feasible option and best for everyone. We are off course disappointed but do look forward to operating again in 2021, well rested and with renewed enthusiasm!
We sincerely hope that you will consider taking a tour with us in 2021.
Take care and stay safe in these unusual times!
We miss being out on the water every day but look forward to taking you out on a cruise once it is safe to do so!
Hopefully we will be able to welcome you soon.
In meantime, please check Tourism Ucluelet’s website for travel updates:
Our season usually starts on May 1st, however this year, due to COVID-19, we will remain closed until further notice. We are monitoring the situation closely and will post an update once we have new information regarding a possible opening date.
We look forward showing you the incredible wildlife and scenery of our beautiful area as soon as it if safe to do so.
Until then, please stay home and stay safe!
For more information, or to enquire about tours on any future dates, please contact us via email at