Luckily we were unperturbed by yesterday’s strong winds. We chose a sheltered route that kept us mostly out of the wind, found an incredibly beautiful place to anchor for lunch and had some good animal sightings along the way!
Spring is a beautiful time of year in the Broken Group Islands when the colours are vibrant, the water so clear that it gets hard to tell where the water and air meet. Cruises Cruises2019-06-05 14:05:502019-06-21 20:38:03Spring in the Broken Group Islands
One Big Momma!
/in Black Bears, wildlife tourRecently we’ve been lucky enough to get the odd sighting of this sow and her two cubs
Calm despite strong winds
/in Broken Group Islands CruiseLuckily we were unperturbed by yesterday’s strong winds. We chose a sheltered route that kept us mostly out of the wind, found an incredibly beautiful place to anchor for lunch and had some good animal sightings along the way!
Spring in the Broken Group Islands
/in Broken Group Islands CruiseSpring is a beautiful time of year in the Broken Group Islands when the colours are vibrant, the water so clear that it gets hard to tell where the water and air meet.