2024 Season is Off to a Good Start

We’ve been open since early May, thrilled to back on the water, cruising through the breathtaking scenery of the Broken Group Islands. Wildlife sightings have been good, we’ve enjoyed meeting guests from all over the world and we hope that you will join us too!

Chillaxing ….

We’ve been lucky enough to see sea otters every day this season. We see mothers with their pups, single males, even groups of sea otters hanging out in the kelp. Seeing them is always a highlight!

sea otter lying in the kelp

Otterly Adorable

It is such a treat to see sea otters on a daily basis. We see single otters as well as mothers with pups, and Grampa Otto is always a highlight. Unfortunately he is often “on vacation” for a few days, but more often than not he is entertaining his beloved human guests!

Sea otter lying on his back and wrapped up in kelp leaves

Wildlife and Otter Critters

Our 2022 season is now in full swing and we’ve had a variety of consistent wildlife sightings. There are a number of sea otters in our area, which means that we are able to find one or more otters on most days.
Thanks to our guest, David Clow, for letting me showcase his images of sea otters seen on our tour on May 30th.


Sea ottereating red sea urchin

Sea Otter Snacking on Red Sea Urchins

Sea otter mom carrying her pup on her stomach

Sea otter mom & pup

Being a Sea Otter Mom Ain’t East

Being a sea otter mom isn’t easy. Mom has to feed herself and her pup, maintain their thick coats, she carries junior around on her belly and she also keeps a look out for any possible danger.

Sea otter mom with pup riding on belly Sea otter mom & pup sticking head out of water and looking straight at camera

Otterly Adorable

  It is always a pleasure to see sea otters! This season we have been lucky enough to see them almost daily.

 Having a nap…. safely anchored, wrapped up in kelp!

Sea Otter Soup

Seeing sea otters in the wild is always a delight! Some sea otters are quite shy but this particular group doesn’t seem to mind us coming over for a visit.

Under The Watchful Eye of Sea Otters

This year we have been seeing sea otters almost every day.  Sometimes we wonder whether it is them who entertain us or vice versa!

Everyone has to give their feet a good cleaning once in a while – especially when they are this big!

Eagles and Sea Otters

We always see a multitude of Bald eagles, especially in the early part of our season, and this year we have also been seeing sea otters almost daily. Here some superb images taken by one of our guests, Patrick Marshall, who came out with us on July 31st





Feasting on Octopus

The sea otters have been keeping us well entertained this year. This big fellow got himself a feast, an entire octopus!