Tag Archive for: Broken Group Islands

The Most Scenic Restaurant in the World!

Two of our guests, Sophie & Christoph, enjoying the delicious gourmet meal (prepared by Norwoods Restaurant) while anchored in a sheltered cove in the Broken Islands. What more could a person want?


Broken Group Islands – Moody & Magical

The Broken Group Islands – many moods but always beautiful!

Eagles and Sea Otters

We always see a multitude of Bald eagles, especially in the early part of our season, and this year we have also been seeing sea otters almost daily. Here some superb images taken by one of our guests, Patrick Marshall, who came out with us on July 31st





End of our 2017 Season

Our 2017 season is now well behind us. It is with some sadness that we left beautiful Barkley Sound about 2 weeks ago to take the Raincoast Maiden down the coast to Sidney where she is now safely tucked into a boat house. We will be working on her here, getting her ship shape for next year!

Leaving our anchorage in the Broken Group Islands at first light

Still Open For Business!

We’re still open for business and the weather forecast for the next few days looks great! A glimpse of what to expect as seen through the lens of Gerry Fairbrother who came out with us on Sept. 23rd. Thanks, Gerry, for letting me share these – it was hard to pick only a few.

Barkley Sound – rugged and beautiful

Barkley Sound, the beautiful area our tours cruise through ….. rugged and always beautiful, rain or shine!