Tag Archive for: tour boat
Getting the Raincoast Maiden shipshape!
Some days we do wish our boat was smaller. The hull seems HUGE at times like this when every square inch, above and below the water line, demands attention!
End of our 2017 Season
Our 2017 season is now well behind us. It is with some sadness that we left beautiful Barkley Sound about 2 weeks ago to take the Raincoast Maiden down the coast to Sidney where she is now safely tucked into a boat house. We will be working on her here, getting her ship shape for next year!
Leaving our anchorage in the Broken Group Islands at first light
Sunfish – Mola mola
A great day out on the water today! One bear, lots of sea lions and seals , several sea otters, two racoons foraging on the shore, lots of sea birds, then this sunfish (mola mola) came right to the boat right as we were watching two Gray whales! Thanks Vivianne Zheng for posting this great picture!
Orcas AND cake
Yesterday’s lucky guests were treated not only to a fabulous sighting of five Orcas but to also to delicious birthday cake!
Thanks to Barbara Lee, a regular guest, who knew it was the captain’s birthday and ordered a birthday cake for all to enjoy at lunch time while at anchor. The cake, shaped like the Raincoast Maiden sailing off into the sunset, was masterfully crafted by Zoe’s Bakery in Ucluelet.
Up in the Air
The annual haul out always means the start of a few days of high activity! On Tuesday the Raincoast Maiden was lifted out and the life raft taken in for inspection. The fire suppression system was tested today, followed by another two inspections (radios and electrical circuits) early next week, all of this leading up to the grand finale: the Transport Canada Inspection. This year we have not only our annual inspection to “worry” about but also an underwater inspection which is due only once every 4 years. If all goes well the boat will be floating again by next Thursday!